
Adium 1.4 has hatched

We are thrilled to announce the release of Adium 1.4, the culmination of an epic two years of development effort. This release features Twitter and a significantly better experience in group chats – including support for IRC. It’s jam-packed with hundreds of other new features and bug fixes, too. Adium 1.4 now requires Mac OS X 10.5.8 or higher.

The contact list now supports contacts in multiple groups and instant searching in any configuration. This update also brings a better authorization window, updated and revamped message styles, new customization options, an updated version of libpurple, faster launch time, less memory usage, and better performance are just the tip of the King Eider iceberg. The full, staggering list of enhancements and bug fixes may be found in the full list of changes.

This is definitely our best release yet, and just think of what’s to come! 🙂

To celebrate the release of Adium 1.4, we’re also introducing official Adium apparel. You can pick any color Adiumy and sport it on any color t-shirt, plus some sharp long sleeve t’s and a hoodie. We’ve prepared a few stylish combinations in the merchandise store for you. Shirts come in men’s, women’s, and dog’s styles. The revenue from your purchase directly supports Adium.

Questions or comments? Got a cool idea for a new shirt configuration you want to see? Let us know!

Adium is an open source, volunteer, community effort. Want to see faster releases? See how you can help out by contributing code, assistance, or resources on our development page. You can also choose to donate, since we’ve joined Instant Messaging Freedom, Inc., a 501(c)(3) non-profit, it’s even tax-deductible.

We’re thankful to Network Redux for their immense server resources, and CacheFly for their staggering bandwidth. Without them, none of this would be possible.

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