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Starting with version 1.4 Adium features Twitter support.
Allowing Adium access to your Twitter account
To configure Adium to connect to your twitter account
- Select 'Twitter' from the dropdown in the accounts pane.
- Click the button labeled 'Allow Adium access'. You will be taken to twitter.com to authorize Adium.
- You will be prompted to log into Twitter. Verify that you do indeed wish to allow Adium to access your account.
- Return to Adium and you'll see that the button changes to read 'I've allowed Adium access'. Click the button and you're done.
Showing your followers in the contact list
By default, your followers are shown in your contact list. This setting can be edited in the Options tab of your Twitter account's preferences.
Replying to a tweet in your timeline
To reply to tweet in your timeline, simply click the "@" you find in the brackets following the tweet.
Replying to any other tweet
To reply to any other tweet either
- right-click the timeline tab/window and choose "Reply to a Tweet" from the context menu
- select "Reply to a Tweet" from the Contact menu with the timeline tab/window focused.
To favorite a tweet in your timeline, simply click the "☆" you find in the brackets following the tweet.
Updating the Timeline
By default, Adium updates the timeline every 10 minutes. You can change this setting in the Options tab of your Twitter account's preferences.
It is possible to manually update the timeline by either
- right-clicking the timeline tab/window and choosing "Update Tweets" from the context menu
- selecting "Update Tweets" from the Contact menu with the timeline tab/window focused.
By default, Adium updates the timeline after sending a tweet. You can turn this off in the Options tab of your Twitter account's preferences.